Whenever you need to hustle but you must solve a riddle come here and you will be delighted by a new short riddles every time. Whenever you need to hustle but you must solve a riddle come here and you will be delighted by a new short riddles every time.
I give milk and I have a horn but Im not a cow.
Funny short riddles and answers. Very Good Riddles with Funny Answers. How do you throw an egg on the floor without cracking it. Unless you have very bad floors throw the egg any which way.
The floor shouldnt crack from a simple egg throw. A pink girl with a pink dress a pink cat a pink hat and pink walls lives in a. What does a house wear.
Where would you take a sick boat. I give milk and I have a horn but Im not a cow. Why did the fly never land on the computer.
He was afraid of the world wide web. Short Funny Riddles. Short funny clever hilarious good sillyand did I mention funny.
Here we have crafted for you some of our best one line riddles with answers that will surely help you stand out and be the smart and to-the-point comedian. Laughing is so good for the the body and the mind so bust out some funny short riddles and make someone smile. Short funny riddles 2 A woman is shot held under water for five minutes and hung but a short time later she goes to dinner with the man who did all this.
How is this possible. Funny short riddles. What has a bottom at the top.
If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea what does it become. 29 Super Short Riddles With Answers. They say size isnt everything and you know what.
Theyre right as shown be these super short riddles. They may be short but that doesnt mean theyre easy. Give your brain a workout now and see how well you do.
The answers are at the bottom of the page. Funny riddles with answers. These funny riddles with answers will keep your brain sharp and also provide mind engaging fun for kids of all ages.
What kind of music. What type of music do rabbits listen to. ANSWER.
What did one potato chip say to the other. ANSWER. Shall we go for a dip.
What kind of running means walking. Check out 33 Really Funny Riddles And Answers. We did our best to bring you the best riddles in the world.
When you do not know what I am then I am something. But when you know what I am then I am nothing. Oedipus the king of Thebes figured out the answer to the riddle.
Man who in childhood creeps on hands and knees in manhood walks erect and in old age with the aid of a staff. Morning day and night are representative of the stages of life Here are some other fun riddles if youre up for it. If you enjoy riddles you will probably love playing Trivia too.
13 Fun and Clever Riddles. These riddles are clever and humorous and funny enough to get a laugh from the answer. You can probably assume the answer is a play on words or a something equally cheeky.
Use these riddles when you have a few minutes before lunch or post on the chalkboard one per day. What has hands but cant clap. What has teeth but cannot bite.
I get smaller every time I take a bath. What Are Funny Riddles. A riddle is a question which requires the person being asked the riddle to use their intelligence and thinking skills to answer it.
Usually in order to answer a riddle the person must think outside of the box to get the answer. A funny riddle is like a normal riddle but it will make you laugh too. Here is our collection.
Im tall when Im young and Im short when Im old. What month of the year has 28 days. Funny riddles and jokes with answers What is that which breaks but dont fall and that which falls and cannot break.
Funny Riddles with Answers What kind of cup has holes in it when it is new is designed to withstand a heavy beating and should never be used for drinking. Whenever you need to hustle but you must solve a riddle come here and you will be delighted by a new short riddles every time. 1 - Crime puzzle There is a certain crime that if it is attempted is punishable but if it is committed is not punishable.
Feed me and I live yet give me a drink and I die ANSWER. A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me 50 but if I cannot I will pay you 50 The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees thinking no matter what the carny. Math Riddles If youre a teacher or parent trying to get your kids to understand math try giving them some fun and easy riddles to work through.
For example if youre a teacher put a riddle or two at the end of the math quiz and offer extra credit for every right answer. Best Short Riddles With Answers. If you are looking for a fun and whimsical way to pass a few hours we have the perfect solution for you.
Our short riddles with answers page is packed with an extensive library of riddles that will keep you laughing and guessing right to the very end. We offer a variety of difficulties so you can start out as a basic solver and work your way all the way up to.